[sdnog] Fw: Register to the first e-deployathon of 2020

Sami Salih sami.salih at outlook.com
Wed Aug 26 09:25:24 SAST 2020


دي فرصة كويسة لي أي جهه راغبة تنتقل بي شبكتها لي IPv6، المنظمة ح توفر خبراء يساعدو المجموعة المختارة وهم 45 من مشغلي الشبكات في أفريقيا يقودوا التحول خطوة بي خطة خلال 3 أيام،ممكن نشرها لي أي زول مهتم يبدأ في سبتمبر.


Sami Salih
From: afnog <afnog-bounces at afnog.org> on behalf of Susan Akinyi Otieno <susan.otieno at afrinic.net>
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2020 9:04 AM
To: afnog at afnog.org <afnog at afnog.org>
Subject: [afnog] Register to the first e-deployathon of 2020

Dear Colleagues,

AFRINIC is now the only RIR with IPv4 addresses in its free pool - 1,967,616 million to be precise. This is of course grossly inadequate to meet Africa’s current IP address needs, making IPv6 the only sustainable way to continue to grow the potential of the Internet in Africa.

This is why, after having trained over 6000 engineers from 50 countries, we designed and organised the world’s first deployathon in 2018 as a mechanism to shorten the time between learning about IPv6 and actually implementing it.

So far, we have run 5 deployathons in which 55 network operators have participated and within 3-4 days, were able to accomplish the following:

                • 28  address plans in IPAMS
                • 23 validated route6 object
                • 10 validated RPKI ROA objects
                • 10 advertised IPv6 prefixes
                • 10 complete IPv6 infrastructure audits
                • 8 IPv6-enabled core networks
                • 6 IPv6 domain objects
                • 5 networks with IPv6 user traffic
                • 4 IPv6-enabled enabled network

If selected, you will get the same step by step guidance, tools and techniques we have perfected in 5 deployathons and 44 helpdesk calls to help you move your IPv6 deployment one clearly measurable step forward in full accordance with your network change management processes.

Date: 1-4 September
Time: 4 hours each day
Location: Zoom (but we promise it will be fun)
Eligibility: Qualified engineers from any country in Africa

If you are an engineer who runs a network and believe that you can make one concrete visible step towards IPv6 deployment (or advanced your stalled IPv6 deployment), apply for a spot here: https://vox.afrinic.net/215164?lang=en

Only 45 spots are available. The application deadline is 27 August 2020.

For more information and queries about e-Deployathons, please contact: do at afrinic.net<mailto:do at afrinic.net>


Susan M.A. Otieno

Marketing and PR Manager

African Network Information Centre (AFRINIC)
t: +230 403 5100 | f: +230 466 6758 | tt: @afrinic | w: www.afrinic.net<http://www.afrinic.net>
facebook.com/afrinic<http://facebook.com/afrinic> | flickr.com/afrinic<http://flickr.com/afrinic> | youtube.com/afrinicmedia<http://youtube.com/afrinicmedia>

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