[sdnog] graphing IPv6

emadedeen at sudachad.com emadedeen at sudachad.com
Wed Aug 26 20:05:19 SAST 2020

Thanks M. Nishal
  Surly I will 


-----Original Message-----
From: sdnog [mailto:sdnog-bounces at sdnog.sd] On Behalf Of Nishal Goburdhan
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2020 18:31
To: sdnog at sdnog.sd
Subject: Re: [sdnog] graphing IPv6

On 26 Aug 2020, at 16:37, emadedeen at sudachad.com wrote:

> Dear all
> Greetings
> Who I can see only IPV6 traffic generated from my ASN , if there is 
> internet tools do that please share it, locally I have monitoring 
> system but not differentiate between IPV4 and IPV6 , it put all 
> traffic togather

there are two ways you can do this:
#1 -  you can look at graphing frames according to the ethertype on the wire;  that is (0x800) for IPv4 and (0x8dd) for IPv6, or
#2 -  you can install a netflow/sflow type solution for your network, and, from your routers of interest, export netflow/sflow to your collector, for analysis.

#2 is likely going to scale a lot better;  particularly, if you are looking for network to network traffic.

depending on the resources you have access to, there are some really good tools to get this done, that are all free.  elastiflow [1] comes to mind;  it’s really powerful, but it does take a bit of work to get going, and keep it running.
some time ago, the author posted here about vFLowd [2].  this looks really scalable, and probably what you want to look at, if you’re a network of significant size.
one of the non-profits IXPs i work with, uses sflowtool [3].  this is very lightweight and Just Works.
pmacct [4] is worth mentioning;  it’s truly amazing how quickly paulo gets new features added!
and of course, there’s always nfsen/nfdump [5] but i haven’t used/set that up in years, so i don’t know the state of the project.

good luck;  let us know what (and how) you end up doing.


[1] https://github.com/robcowart/elastiflow/
[2] https://github.com/VerizonDigital/vflow
[3] https://github.com/sflow/sflowtool
[4] http://www.pmacct.net
[5] https://sourceforge.net/projects/nfsen/files/stable/

ps. i  changed the subject line so it would be clear that you are talking about a new topic..
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