[sdnog] Fw: [ycig] Invitation to Participate in the International Girls in ICT Day 2020 event,

Zeinab Mohamed zeinab_yassin at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 11 01:00:39 SAST 2020

السلام عليكم
ارجو ان يكون الجميع بخير..لاولئك المهتمين،،  الرجاء الاطلاع على الحدث المرفق
تحياتى Greeting All,
For thoses who interseting, Check this event !
Best Regards
Zeinab Yassin Abdalla
Lecturer - PhD candidate.
Department of Computer Systems and Networks
College of Computer Science and Information Technology 
Sudan University of Science and Technology (SUST)

Contact info: +249-912775543
E-mail:  zeinab_yassin at yahoo.com

   ----- رسالة مُعاد توجيهها ----- من: Luqcom Informatics #Luqcomin <luqcomin at gmail.com>إلى: "ycig at googlegroups.com" <ycig at googlegroups.com>المرسَل: الأربعاء، 10 حزيران 2020 09:31:36 ص غرينتش+2الموضوع: [ycig] Invitation to Participate in the International Girls in ICT Day 2020 event,
 Dear colleagues and professionals,
Invitation to Participate in the International Girls in ICT Day  2020
The International Girls in ICT Day #GirlsinICT 2020, is here. Calling for girls, ladies and women to take a career in the ICTs. Limitless opportunity are in the ICTs but only a few know about them. It is best expressed as a few knows about a handful of careers in the ICTs.
An industry designed for everyone to thrive has been dominated by men, all because most women have the perception that this isn't for them. Meet leading women in ICTs and learn how easy, interesting, rewarding, flexible and fascinating a career in the ICTs are.
Kindly follow the link below to register, and get updates.
If not you, give your girls and daughter(s) an opportunity to thrive by participating in this online event. Everyone from the ages of 7 years upwards is qualified for this event. Boys participates to encourage the girls (#HeforShe) and also learn.
This webinar will hold on 27th June 2020 by 11:00am (GYM +1) live on YouTube. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions.
Kindly encourage young girls in your country, locality and networks to participate. It's going to be a life changing experience for them.
Best Regards.
Aminu Lookman Enitan,For: Luqcom Informatics Mobile: +2348088791225Email: Luqcomin at gmail.com

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