[sdnog] COVID-19 and it's impact on internet traffic

Khansa.Abdalla Khansaa.mohamed at protonmail.com
Thu Mar 19 18:56:00 SAST 2020

-------- Original Message --------
On Mar 19, 2020, 02:17, Nishal Goburdhan < nishal at controlfreak.co.za> wrote:
On 18 Mar 2020, at 21:12, Khansa.Abdalla wrote:
> Hello everyone ,
> Does anyone has something to share about this ?? I mean noticable
> change on the internet traffic because of more people working
> remotely...
> maybe interesting reports?
> ( measured at IXPs or anywhere else )
> Specially from affected counties ..
hi khansa,
gael at pch wrote something to that effect here:
..that’s largely from a european perspective, which i think, matches
what you were looking for.

Hi Nishal , and all
Thanks for sharing this ..it showed good insights ...
from an african perspective, we’ve seen daytime traffic peaks go up at
INX, in south africa, as more people embrace work from home.
universities and schools are also closed, so, it’s reasonable to
assume that more people are online during the day from home. there are
many people worried about network capacity, but frankly, that’s less
of a concern for me; the daytime network traffic peaks are still
smaller than night-time use (more people streaming) and most end-user
networks were scoped to build for _that_ (ie. nighttime streaming).
unfortunately, while some operators have made good announcements like
doubling of data bundles, additional capacity etc, i haven’t heard
anything from our local ISPs yet :-(

Thanks also for sharing what's happening at South Africa ...so it seems there is no much change in most African countries (yet) ...
I hope service providers increase the capacity to meet the expected demand .

> I have no idea about such thing in Sudan ..but maybe someone from ISPs
> can tell ?
it will be interesting if some of the sudanese operators could share too
i tried to look for sixp stats online, but could not find this :-(
Hope so...
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