[sdnog] How to work from home

Kabantsh Alameen kabantsh at gmail.com
Tue Mar 24 08:49:06 SAST 2020

Dear Manhal


                   There are so many remote working techniques and
methodologies, starting from set-up your work PC to be access remotely
through remote access protocols via a command line Like SSH rlogin and
Telnet or via a remote GUI desktop protocols like Remote Desktop (RDP) for
Windows and Virtual Network Computing (VNC) for UNIX like operating
systems, till creating your own VPN server to access your private network

                   Both of the previous two method have pros and cons, for
example if you set remote desktop protocol in your Desktop it requires than
your desktop should be up and running, so you should do it manually or
using any wake on Lan client (WoL) to start your machine remotely through
network -by enabling it on the BIOS-, and it require a public IP for each
machine if you are not using a third part remote login application (Like
Teamviewer, Anydesk and Chrome Remote Desktop) but in this case do you
trust that third party company.

                   Regarding to the last scenario (Creating your own VPN
server) there is a lot of solutions that provide a way to make your own VPN
server and the pros of this method it is secure if you are using very long
key strings, key rotation and very good cryptography algorithm and higher
level of key exchange, but the main issue that you will be facing is
creating and maintaining the VPN server, as well as stable internet
connectivity (depending on your company size).

As a summary it depends on many factors like:

   - IT infrastructure.
   - IT engineer training and skills.
   - Company size.
   - Financial situation.

On Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 11:57 PM manhal_muhamed at hotmail.com <
manhal_muhamed at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all
> Hope you are all safe wherever you are,
> Regards to the current situation around the world , and as we all
> adviced/forced to start working from home which is not common here in our
> community , and I know some bosses are not convinced unless they saw you in
> your desk :D
>  my question is , for simple offices ,with no great infrastructure , just
> an internet connection to their edge ,how can they work from home ? Is
> there any free tools /ways  they can use,  what are the options, with
> taking along the security concerns
> what is your advice to achieve that in a proper way , and for those who
> managed to work from home , how did you do that ?
> Please share your experience ^_^
> And how we as "sdnog community" can help in that "for the old fashioned
> bosses :D"
> Cheers & be safe
> -- Manhal Mohammed
> Sent from my Huawei Mobile
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Best regrets

Mohamed Ayman
Information and Network Engineer
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