[sdnog] How to work from home

Nishal Goburdhan nishal at controlfreak.co.za
Wed Mar 25 22:20:38 SAST 2020

On 24 Mar 2020, at 23:45, sara alamin wrote:

>    - Jitsi :
> good with poor connection if you are not sharing video or your screen 
> , no
> need to install client , just browse to it.
> *INX-ZA are offering a free meeting tool used jitsi (@edd :), but it 
> will
> not be really efficient routing. it’s free and open source and i am 
> sure
> the inx-za people will offer to help. and if Sudan IXP can have like 
> this
> service will be really good!

erm, just to clear this up, since i’m the culprit responsible for this 

i don’t like installing random “apps” or proprietary clients.  and 
i like ones that don’t work for my friends in sudan, iran, and yemen, 
even less.  so https://meet.inx.net.za (the jitsi instance that sara 
mentions) is *really* easy to setup and maintain.  we did it, because i 
wanted something that i could use to talk to work colleagues in africa, 
and we didn’t want our packets to go overseas.  what sara means by 
“inefficient” routing, is that, there’s probably no direct path 
from sudan to this host (check for yourself), and that 
https://meet.jit.si would probably also work well for you.

at our IX, we have a small management network, where we host services 
for community-good;  because the IX is literally the centre of 
communication, and most sane networks peer, this is an ideal place to 
have something like this, that anyone can use.  so we encourage people 
to do just that;  and, in the spirit of maintaining privacy, and good 
faith, we don’t log anything - we’re fortunate, i guess, because we 
work well with our community, and they trust us!

for me, the takeaway for you should be, what are the services like this, 
that you could find and host local to sudan, that can help you support 
your local community;  be it university students, or businesses, or ..
imagine having a meeting, where an ajnabi had to “dial” into sudan, 
costing him/her international bandwidth, and not the sudanese users of 
the service  ;-)  well, that’s exactly what happens when we have, for 
example, ZANOG PC calls, and we use this service ..

jitsi, samir already mentioned etherpad, and .. others like this, can 
help you be more productive, save money, and improve your overall 
experience of the network.

so .. who has some spare hardware - in sudan - and is willing to do this 
  (after the LockDown is over?  :-))


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