[sdnog] Freebsd is not Linux ?

Samir Abdullatif samir.s.omer at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 25 17:08:51 SAST 2020

Dear Yasmin

Both are derived from Unix but they are different Linux is Technically a Kernel while FreeBSD is a full Operating system. I believe we have an freebsd ambassador on the list who might explain it better.
As to the second question specially in sudan I think the main reason is the lack of awareness which SdNOG is helping to combat. 
Both can be powerful or not depending on you are trying to do


> On 25 Mar 2020, at 5:58 PM, Yasmin.Salih <yasmin.salih at protonmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all , hope all staying safe 
> It might be a basic question 
> can someone explain to me how/why freebsd not considered a linux distribution ?
> and as to my knowledge  it is powerful but not common used ( in sudan)  
> Thanks
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