[sdnog] .sd domain

Nishal Goburdhan nishal at controlfreak.co.za
Fri Mar 27 20:12:11 SAST 2020

On 27 Mar 2020, at 17:49, Sudan Nog wrote:

> Hi Nishal

hello sudannog at gmail.com, who now calls herself manhal.

> That's y I said it's an undergoing  project , I do encourage to use 
> our national resources first and support them , the points you 
> mentioned are very valuable for the people who work there to consider 
> and  I will make sure to pass it to them ;)  , and any advice will 
> be a great help

so if you want honest criticism, then you are truly barking up the wrong 
tree.  if you *really* want to spend your resources intelligently, to 
develop a national resource, then, develop the .SS TLD.
stop, reflect, and consider that you can very easily take those same 
resources that you are putting into building what is _fundamentally a 
broken system_ (ie. the CA model), into developing something that *is* 
actually better - DNSSEC and DANE.

if you decide that you still want to go ahead with a national CA, then, 
well, i have no words for you, and you can join the line of the people 
that think NAT will keep from them deploying IPv6.

stay safe,

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