[sdnog] [Paper] The DNS Core Census

Fahd Batayneh fahd.batayneh at icann.org
Sat Nov 28 13:11:10 SAST 2020

Friends and Colleagues,

ICANN’s Office the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO) has published a new paper entitled “The DNS Core Census”; which, you can access online here >> https://www.icann.org/octo-019-en.pdf.

The DNS Core Census is a gathering of information about the global public DNS root zone, its delegations, and delegations from the “arpa” top-level domain. The value of creating the DNS Core Census is in simplifying access to information contained in many other data sources related to these domains.

The DNS Core Census covers a portion of the global public DNS and is designed to enable useful and stable, long-term measurements. The portion covered can be described as the root zone, ccTLDs, gTLDs, and the "reverse map," as well as other selected elements. The embodiment of the DNS Core Census is a set of resources available for analysts to use in automated scripts and programs.

More papers published by OCTO can be found here >> https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/octo-publications-2019-05-24-en.

Thank you,

Fahd Batayneh
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