[sdnog] [Invitation] Arab IGF 2021 - Maintaining One Single Global Internet

Fahd Batayneh fahd.batayneh at icann.org
Sun Dec 12 16:12:28 SAST 2021

Friends and Colleagues,


You are invited to attend a session organized by ICANN during the Arab IGF 2021 event entitled “Maintaining One Single Global Internet”.


When: Tuesday 14 December at 14.00 – 15.15 UTC

Where: ZOOM

Registration: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_XKWIlJIGQZCdixU8NIqT4Q


More about the workshop, the Arab IGF 2021, or the overall event “Digital Cooperation and Development Forum” can be found at https://dcdf-2021.unescwa.org/.


We very much look forward to seeing you at the session.


Thank you,


Fahd Batayneh



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