[sdnog] Which “D” root name-server close to you?

Nishal Goburdhan nishal at controlfreak.co.za
Thu Jan 28 01:31:37 SAST 2021

On 20 Jan 2021, at 19:48, Kabantsh Alameen wrote:

> ~$ # from Sudatel
> ~$
> ~$ dig +nsid soa . @d.root-servers.net | grep NSID
> ; NSID: 66 66 64 65 37 2e 64 72 6f 6f 74 2e 6d 61 78 67 69 67 61 70 6f 
> 70
> 2e 6e 65 74 ("ffde7.droot.maxgigapop.net")

that does not look right.
anyone here from sudatel, want to try to explain why you are 
intentionally making internet access slower for your clients?

or, asked differently, anyone here from sudatel, want to know how to 
make internet access faster for your clients?
(it is cheap, and easy to do..)

> ~$ # from MTN
> ~$ dig +nsid soa . @d.root-servers.net | grep NSID
> ; NSID: 6b 74 73 64 32 2e 64 72 6f 6f 74 2e 6d 61 78 67 69 67 61 70 6f 
> 70
> 2e 6e 65 74 ("ktsd2.droot.maxgigapop.net")

that, looks correct.  good for you, MTN!

anyone have results from other ISPs?


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