[sdnog] RPKI Week - Join us!

Nishal Goburdhan nishal at controlfreak.co.za
Tue Jul 20 14:20:29 SAST 2021

hi sara,

routing security is so much more than worrying about rpki. i’d like to 
remind everyone of bernd’s very appropriate message posted to this 
list earlier (hurray for ailing list archives!):  

the *real* lesson here, is that if you do not know what you are doing 
with the IRR, then RPKI ROAs is probably not the path you want to 
follow.  at least not yet.  sure, it’s a nice to have, and can provide 
you network with some great benefits, but, it’s also a license to 
shoot yourself in the foot, if you are not careful.  learn how to use an 
IRR (it’s really not difficult;  perhaps sara, you can have a workshop 
on this).  *then* learn how to deploy RPKI ROAs.

there are many folks here that can help answer questions, so, if you 
need help, feel free to ask.

eid mubarak,

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