[sdnog] Middle East DNS Forum - Call for New Program Committee Members

Fahd Batayneh fahd.batayneh at icann.org
Thu Dec 1 09:34:26 SAST 2022

Friends and Colleagues,


This is an open call for those interested in joining the program committee (PC) of the Middle East DNS Forum. The PC is responsible for developing an agenda for the next Middle East DNS Forum, and suggesting speakers for the different sessions. Applicants must keep in mind the following:

An applicant must be from the Middle East, resides in the Middle East, or has DNS business interest in the Middle East. The Middle East is defined as the 22 Arab States, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.
The work is done voluntarily with no compensation involved.
Work is done over a mailing list and over dedicated conference calls.
The term of successful PC members is for 2 editions of the forum.
A PC member must devote adequate time especially around the forum’s dates.

If you think you are the right candidate, please fill out the form at https://forms.gle/qeZqqakFrPPMnCSg6.


The call remains open until Wednesday 14 December at 23.59 UTC.


Thank you,


Fahd Batayneh

ME DNS Forum Coordinator / ICANN

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