sdnog updates

sdnog at sdnog at
Mon Apr 22 16:32:48 SAST 2024

Hello sdnog community,

I hope this message finds you all well and safe.

We apologize for the silence in recent months. Due to the difficult situation we are facing, we have been unable to make much progress, and everything has been at a standstill.

However, I'm pleased to inform you that we have received a lot of help and support from SDNOG friends worldwide, and things are starting to move forward, which is a positive development.

I'm writing this email to provide you all with an update on the work that has been happening behind the scenes, so you are aware of the latest SDNOG updates:

1. Providing Hosting Support for Sudan:
We would like to express our gratitude to our friends at the Global NOG Alliance and INX-ZA for supporting the Sudanese community by providing free hosting for critical infrastructures since the onset of the conflict.

2. SDNOG Hosting Project:
We have successfully established an affordable cloud infrastructure tailored for universities and other community-serving institutions facing challenges in bringing their services online. Our aim is to provide Virtual Servers to each institution for hosting websites, running databases, and facilitating various student/community-centric services. We would like to extend our thanks to INX-ZA and the .sd registry team for their invaluable assistance in making this project a reality.
More information about this project can be found here:

3. Fixing SDNOG Mailing List:
We were experiencing issues with our mailing lists, as many Gmail subscribers were unable to receive the list's emails due to Gmail blocking our domain because of SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records. However, we have managed to resolve this issue, and our mailing list is now working perfectly fine. I would like to express my gratitude to Edd from ZANNOG and Nishal from INX-Za for their technical support in resolving this matter.

4. IPv6 in 21 Days:
We would like to thank AFRINIC for offering 100% sponsorship for certification to SDNOGers!
To avail of this opportunity, you need to:
- Join the next IPv6 course by AFRINIC: IPv6 Course Link
- Commit to completing the course within 21 days.
- The top 10 SDNOG members who graduate from the Zero to Certified IPv6 in 21 Days Challenge will receive a 100% discount towards their certification exam.

Ongoing Projects:
* Providing technical support for some universities and helping them get their services up and running.
* Updating our wiki page and documenting all the details for each project or activity.

lastly, We would like to thank everyone who reached out and offered to help. We really appreciate it :-) 

and We would also like to hear from you. If you have any ideas, projects, or anything else that will help our community, please feel free to share it here on the list, or you can send it privately to us at support at

Your input is valuable to us, and we look forward to hearing from you :-) 

Best regards,
Sara Alamin
sdnog Team

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