[sdnog] using RIPE atlas to check which DNS root your resolver prefers.

Nishal Goburdhan nishal at controlfreak.co.za
Sun Dec 28 23:47:20 SAST 2014

On 27 Dec 2014, at 23:07, Tarig Yassin <tariq198487 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> I understand your concerns,  but our customers should have access to SIXP even If they are from outside. 

absolutely.;  the IXP is just an interconnection point, and, in the grand scheme of things, you -want- to have customers from as many places as possible, and as much of this moving through your local IXPs.

i'm curious;  is there a policy now that disallows non-sudanese traffic to go through the SIXP ?  
(perhaps, the IXP operator can chime in here?) 
that would seem quite counter-productive to me.


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