[sdnog] ISC website hacked

Samir S. Omer samir at suin.edu.sd
Tue Dec 30 07:28:37 SAST 2014

Greetings all, 

anyone who's recently visited the ISC.org website, please check your PC. 

"The website for the Internet Systems Consortium, which develops the BIND DNS and ISC DHCP tools, has been hacked. 

Anyone who recently browsed ISC.org is urged to check their PC for malware as miscreants booby-trapped the site to infect visitors. The website has been replaced by a placeholder page warning netizens of the attack. 

ISC.org served pages using WordPress, and either that CMS or one of its plugins or support files was exploited to compromise the web server, it seems. 

Miscreants had managed to exploit some part of the CMS to redirect visitors to a page serving the Angler Exploit Kit. This package attempts to infect Windows PCs using security holes in Internet Explorer, Flash and Silverlight." 

the source 


Samir S. Omer | Head of Electronic Services Unit 
Sudanese Research and Education Network | Address 
Nile St. | University of Khartoum 
Tel: +249155662069 | Mob: +249123788848 

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