[sdnog] DNS problem

Tarig Yassin tariq198487 at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 30 14:06:33 SAST 2014

welcome Manhal

I will try to answer what I know

>can I use the two name servers in the same
ISP ?? is that an issue to consider ?
yes, but if you experienced an outage in the ISP that you are using, you'll face an outage too despite you have other ISP.
Why not to install new DNS cashing server temporary "easy task", then try to fix the authoritative DNS.

>how to apply or implement some sort of security for the DNS ? like chroot 
I am not implementing chroot too :)
but they say chroot is better for security, may be other guys can answer this one better than me.

>is flushing the DNS cache will affect it ?
if you mean by "affect it" is to harm the service, no it will not break 

I hope others who are more familiar with DNS will answer your questions with more details.


From: manhal_muhamed at hotmail.com
To: sdnog at sdnog.sd
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 10:36:30 +0000
Subject: [sdnog] DNS problem

Hello SdNoggers 😊

This is my first time on this mailing list , I am Manhal
Mohammed from the National Data Center , 

I have some questions in the DNS 

first one : 
Our DNS design is stealth “split-horizon” , we have two NS
, NS0 & NS1 each from different ISP for availability , But NS1 is
unreachable due to networks problem, can I use the two name servers in the same
ISP ?? is that an issue to consider ? because now we are working just with one NS and this is very bad 
second : 
how to apply or implement some sort of security for the DNS ? like chroot , now i am not using chroot , can i use it after installing the bind and working with it ? is that will affect the DNS server , is there any risks ??? 
third  and last one : 
is flushing the DNS cache will affect it ?


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