[sdnog] help with virtualization configuration

Jan Zorz zorz at isoc.org
Mon Aug 31 10:26:16 SAST 2015

Sara, hey....

> I have 5 server with 1T storage for each , and I want to install a
> hypervisor software that gives me these features :
> - can manage these server from one administrator console
> - if I faced any problem  can easily migrate the VMs form one server to
> other .
> - easily way to have a backup for the virtual machines that will be created.
> My questions are :
> - what is the suitable hypervisor software? (can I find open source
> software?)
> - do I need a specific configuration before I install the hypervisor
> software?
> sorry  but I don't have enough experience with virtualization so if
> there is any one can share docs or videos  that may help :)

I'm using Proxmox and quite happy with it most of the time. It has all 
the features you are requesting, but it's advisable to have one extra 
server in the cluster to test new releases, as "free" version of it is 
sometimes a bit experimental. If you test new releases and updates on 
one test server before updating/upgrading all the others - then all is ok ;)

Cheers, Jan

P.S: sorry that I was not able to join you all at SDNOG, maybe next time.

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