[sdnog] DNS root server in Sudan

Manhal Mohammed manhal_muhamed at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 18 14:11:06 SAST 2015

hello SdNOGGers ^_^ .. 
as we all now know that we have two DNS root servers here in Sudan "D and E root" which are  the main event and talk  in SDNOG mailing list now a days ,  ^_^ and thanks to PCH and all  parties involved  for this historical step in Sudan ^_^ also it's a good sign that the test  Hiba and Nishal showed us,  give the pleasant result that we all want ^_^ what i want to ask about is : who are the operators that run those two DNS root servers ? because when i checked the root-servers map , i found that the D root is operated by University of Maryland ; which as we can see under the US law !! is that can affect us as a banned country by the US government ? " as i know root DNSs are not govern under any country law ". and last question , why i can't see the E root server on the map at this link http://www.root-servers.org/ ? 
best regards Mnhl ..  		 	   		  
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