[sdnog] DNS root server in Sudan

Nishal Goburdhan nishal at controlfreak.co.za
Wed Feb 18 07:49:36 SAST 2015

Hiba Eltigani wrote:
> Hello SdNOG
>         So, two months after last communication and we have new root
> server in SUDAN; "D" server. Thanks to PCH with help of SudRen.


> PS: If you are getting different results, may be it is time to talk to
> your ISP ;).

due to how the SIXP works, pretty much all the ISPs in sudan should be 
making use of this already.  it's always a good idea to check :-)   but 
you shouldn't expect surprises here.

now, that you have DNS roots in-country, and your ccTLD is hosted 
in-country;  is there an opportunity for a local, professional DNS 
services company in sudan?   (hint:  this is really, really not a 
difficult thing to do...)

don't lose sight of what this gives you;  more network autonomy, and 
slightly more (local) network resilience and performance.  all of which 
doesn't really amount to much, if you don't follow through, and continue 
to build in this way.  so, start by making your DNS local, and then 
slowly migrate more and more content to be in-country, and then to be a 
nett exporter of content;  *that* should be the goal you're aiming to 

well, imho :-)

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