[sdnog] SSL integration Issues

Philip Paeps philip at trouble.is
Fri Aug 26 19:07:36 SAST 2016

On 2016-08-26 13:32:18 (+0200), Ayman Alshaikh <0x4ym4n at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'd installed SSL cert. during  Letsencrypt live tutorial @SDNOG3
> conference

Excellent!  I hope you are not the only one. :)

> the first thing I'd noticed some external links wasn't https
> therefore some browser "eg firefox" says some page contents aren't secure
> .. later I managed to solve it by installing a plugin that enforce https
> for every external-internal links if supported https otherwise block it ..
> this worked perfectly for me :)

You probably want to make sure that all your "external resources" are loaded
over HTTPS.  I'm not terribly familiar with web things, but as far as I
understand it, every "img" and "script" resource needs to have an HTTPS
origin or web browsers will complain.

Should be a small matter of sed or another mechanical replace to fix.

> [...] I started to integrate Cloudflare service [...]

As Nishal points out: Cloudflare is probably doing more harm than good for
you in Sudan.

> this made my browser enter into infinte loop of redirection

Perhaps a tcpdump or Wireshark capture of the problem can help debug this.

> also I did a lot of googling to uninstall letsencrypt to disable https
> connection and test Cloudflare without it but i didn't find anything useful
> I tried to disable apachesslmod but no success . i am just tring i trust
> letsencrypt BTW :)

Note that HTTPS will take up more system resources than plain HTTP.  You
might just be running out of memory on your VPS!


Philip Paeps
Senior Reality Engineer
Ministry of Information

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