[sdnog] A new Web Server on the block^H^H^H Internet

Daniel Shaw danielshaw at protonmail.com
Wed Feb 24 01:12:13 SAST 2016

Hi all,

Just a quick note to let you know about a new web server that I've recently heard about (at APNIC-41/APRICOT-2016).

It is called "Caddy" : https://caddyserver.com/

What makes it interesting? Well go and read their FAQ :-) But a one of the features caught my eye and may make it interesting to folks out there: Primarily, it has a *fully integrated* ACME client for LetsEncrypt. This means, running this server, if you add the configuration option to enable SSL, it completely automatically requests, downloads and configures the LetsEncrypt certificate for that domain. Getting SSL is just a config option now.

Disclaimer: I've only *heard* about this a few days ago and have not yet had a chance to try it myself. I do not know about any possible limitation it may have, how it performs, and so on.

All the best,
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