[sdnog] FW: Call for Applications - Internet Technical Community Representation in the IGF MAG

Fahd Batayneh fahd.batayneh at icann.org
Sat Jan 9 09:20:31 SAST 2016

Friends and Colleagues,


Those from the Technical Community interested in joining the Global IGF
Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG), please read on.


Thank you,


Fahd Batayneh





From: Constance Bommelaer <bommelaer at isoc.org>
Date: 8 January 2016 at 17:41:38 GMT
To: Internet Policy External <InternetPolicy at elists.isoc.org>
Subject: [Internet Policy] Call for Applications - Internet Technical
Community Representation in the IGF MAG


Dear Colleagues, 


Please share the call below through your networks. 


Best regards,






Call for Applications for Internet Technical Community Representation in the
Internet Governance Forum Multistakeholder Advisory Group 2016 (MAG)


The purpose of the Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) is to advise the
U.N. Secretary General on the programme and schedule of  the Internet
Governance Forum meetings. The MAG comprises of 55 Members from governments,
the private sector and civil society, including representatives from the
academic and technical communities.  Those nominated should expect to attend
two virtual MAG meetings per month as well as typically three face to face
meetings per year. <http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/magabout>   More


The Internet Society (ISOC) is facilitating a process
<http://www.internetcollaboration.org/nominations/>  leading to
recommendations from the Internet Technical Collaboration Group for
participation in the 2016 <http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/magabout>  MAG of
the Internet Governance Forum (IGF).  A Nominating Committee (NOMCOM)
consisting of senior members of the Internet technical community is
currently being formed and will provide nominations to be transmitted to the
United Nations for consideration. Candidates should be aware that
nominations may or may not be accepted by the UN.


Individuals interested in being suggested by the Nominating Committee are
invited to complete the Nomination Form
15-MAG-Nomination-Form-10.10.14.docx>  in full to provide responses to a set
pplementary-Questions-Form-.docx> Questions that are specific to the
Internet technical community. Both the form and the answers to questions
should be returned to information.itcg at gmail.com by 2359 UTC on Friday,
January 22nd.  Applications with incomplete responses to either set of
questions will not be considered.  ISOC will transmit the names of nominees
to the United Nations no later than February 1st. More details on the
nomination process can be found here
s/12/2016/01/Mag-2016-Renewal-NomProcess_TC.docx> . 


Both sets of questions should be answered completely. Responses need not
necessarily be lengthy, but they must be sufficiently content-full that the
Nominating Committee can accurately judge from them the extent and specifics
of your background.  If the applicant believes that an existing CV or
biographical sketch would contribute to the Nominating Committee's
understanding of the candidacy, such a document may be provided in either
PDF form or in the form of a link.


In terms of attendance at physical meetings, potential funding for MAG
members (selected applicants)  is available through the IGF "Participant
funding" program outlined at
articipant. Note that this program is targeted only toward participants from
Least Developed Countries, Developing Countries or Transitional Economies.


Technical Community Representatives on the 2015 MAG includes the following

*	Xiaodong Lee (NIC CN, China) 
*	Peter Dengate Thrush (Counsel, Barrister, New Zealand) 
*	Michael Nelson (CloudFlare, USA) 
*	Lynn St. Amour (Internet Matters, USA) 
*	Izumi Okutani (JPNIC, Japan) 
*	Susan Chalmers (Independent Consultant, USA) 
*	Baher Esmat (ICANN, Egypt)* 
*	Constance Bommelaer (ISOC, France)* 
*	Flavio Wagner (CGI.br <http://cgi.br/> , Brazil) 

Candidates with a "*" by their names have stated that they not standing
again for nomination. 

Privacy Statement

The nominating committee is required to forward information provided by
nominees on the MAG Nomination Form to the United Nations for purposes of
the nomination.  With the exception of candidates naming themselves,
information provided to the NOMCOM for its consideration shall be treated in
the strictest confidence

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