[sdnog] shell Script for DNS

Manhal Mohammed manhal_muhamed at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 11 08:45:21 SAST 2016

helloooo  Sdnoggers ^_^  
i have a question on shell scripting :) i'm trying to make a shell script to change  IPs ,  adding new domains on  DNS  and many other operations to make it easier for me :D 
on  "creating new domain" section of this script : 
 i have a zone file "ext.example.sd"witch i want to copy to the new domain which is a "variable"  so : this is my idea of how this simple section of my script will be :
echo ENTER YOUR DOMAIN : read new_domain cp ext.example.sd  ext.$new_domain.sd # this is not working :D  sed -i -e 's/20[0-9][0-9]\{6\}/2016011100/g' ext.$new_domain.sd  #to reset the serial num 
reconsider that the copied new zone have to be renamed as : "ext.new_domain.sd.zone " new_domain is a variable 

thanks in advance :) 

Mnhl ^_^ 
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