[sdnog] ME DNS Forum 2016 | 4-5 May 2016

Nishal Goburdhan nishal at controlfreak.co.za
Wed May 4 11:08:52 SAST 2016

On 4 May 2016, at 10:28, Fahd Batayneh wrote:

> Friends and Colleagues,
> The Middle East DNS forum kick starts in a while. The first session; 
> the
> Opening Ceremony, starts at 9.00 AM Tunisia time (UTC+1.00). You can 
> join
> the forum remotely using the remote participation information at
> http://tunis2016.mednsf.org/en/remote-participation/.
> The language of the forum is English and French, and live EN - FR
> interpretation will be provided. In order to flip between these two
> languages on Adobe Connect, please use the link at
> http://stream.icann.org:8000/stream01.m3u.


while i believe your intent to be good, it’s been pointed out several 
times that adobe connect does not work in sudan.  ergo, posting these 
message here (incl. messages for ICANN remote participation, and others) 
doesn’t add operational value to the list participants.

i asked pointedly before: if ICANN is really interested in making sure 
that these events reach everyone, what are they doing to address *this* 
problem?  and note - i don’t expect you to change adobe’s policies, 
or US foreign policy, or anything like that.  to me, as a technician, 
the operational fix (because, this is an operations list) is easy:  if 
you were serious about reaching everyone, you’d find a different 
service provider (there are *many* these days..)

until then - expecting individuals to VPN-tunnel, to reach a service 
that is purported to be globally available, is not logical, is it?
so i’ll repeat my earlier request - for the sake of all interested 
individuals, (and you have been to sdnog twice now, so you know that 
there is, by comparison, a more active community in sudan than anywhere 
else in the MEA area,) could you please invest in a communications 
platform that is globally inclusive.


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