[sdnog] phpmyadmin Cannot start session error

Marwa Ibrahim marwa.ibrahim at sudren.edu.sd
Wed May 25 10:39:13 SAST 2016

Dera all 

I am using ISPCONFIG 3(under ubuntu) to be within cluster architecture there is 7 servers that hold panel ,web,web backup ,dns 1,dns 2,mail , and mail backup.my problem is within web server phpmyadmin it was working properly for the clients but when I accessed it as admin I could not reach because of this message Cannot start session without errors, please check errors given in your PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHP installation properly . and when I searched about it the solution was to change the authentication type form cookie to http in config.ini.php file after that I could accessed the phpmyadmin but I could not export any database because of another message export php missing parameter what export php missing parameter export_typ e and the solution was to set the authentication type to cookie in config.ini.php file which again let the first error appear . 

Can any one help me?? 

Thank a lot ... 
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