[sdnog] What is Docker?

Samir S. Omer samir.saif at sudren.edu.sd
Mon Nov 14 13:01:03 SAST 2016


you can think of Docker like a "small" contained dedicated server which have everything you need for running your service pre-installed in a container which you later deploy in your machine. similar to a VM but without the need of installing OS for the VM.


----- Original Message -----
> From: "Sara Alamin" <sara.alamin at sudren.edu.sd>
> To: "Sudan NOG" <sdnog at sdnog.sd>
> Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2016 9:05:00 PM
> Subject: [sdnog] What is Docker?
> Hello SdNOG community :)
> I wanted to ask about the "Docker", when you try to install some programs in
> ubuntu you can find an option to install these programs using "docker"
> Is it similar to linux repositories? and what is the benefit for using it?
> Thanks in advance
> --Sara Alamin--
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