[sdnog] Announcment SdNOG4 - Mark your Calendar

SdNOG Info samir.saif at sudren.edu.sd
Sun Jan 29 05:27:36 SAST 2017

Salam SdNOG community, 

we are pleased to announce that the Fourth SdNOG Meeting (SdNOG-4) will takes places in Khartoum 13-17 August 2017. 

SdNOG Meeting is open to everyone. 

The program agenda and call for papers will follow, if you are interested in any topic that you want it discussed you can 
send your suggestion to info at sdnog.sd 

more info about SdNOG at : www.sdnog.sd 

We hope to see you there! 

SdNOG Team 

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