Sander Steffann sander at steffann.nl
Sun Dec 30 14:39:24 SAST 2018


> I'm looking for an DNS management solution "compatible with BIND." Features I'd like :
> add and remove zones,
> add, edit, or remove records in zones,
> intuitive web UI,
> limit which users can edit which zone.

I have been looking for something similar. My wishes actually go a bit further: I would also like to view the information from the host and subnet point of view in addition to viewing the information per zone.

It's one of the things that I have been looking for for a long time, but have never found... All tools either are pure zone editors, or complicated IPAM solutions with much more complexity than I want to deal with. It is one of the things that I have considered building and open-sourcing myself, but never had the time to do.

We (Jan, Kevin and myself) are working hard to set up a new foundation to support network operators called the Global NOG Alliance (GNA). If more people share my idea, maybe we can see if GNA can assist in developing something simple but efficient. Ideas?


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