Nishal Goburdhan nishal at controlfreak.co.za
Mon Dec 31 11:07:45 SAST 2018

On 28 Dec 2018, at 18:52, FG TECHNOLOGY wrote:

> Dear SDnog community,
> I'm looking for an DNS management solution "compatible with *BIND*."
> Features I'd like :
> add and remove zones,
> add, edit, or remove records in zones,
> intuitive web UI,
> limit which users can edit which zone.

i suppose that webmin could probably do that;  but it comes with a lot 
of other stuff as well.  i haven’t even seen a recent version in about 
a decade or so;  so don’t read this message as an endorsement of 
webmin, more than just an example of a tool you’re looking for.


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