[sdnog] SdNOG6 Meeting - Mark your Calendar

Sara Alamin sara.alamin at protonmail.com
Tue Oct 8 13:02:05 SAST 2019

Salam SdNOG community,

We are pleased to announce that the Sixth SdNOG Meeting (SdNOG-6) will takes places in Khartoum, at TPRA Tower from 27 to 31 October 2019.

The program agenda and call for papers will follow.

More information about SdNOG meetings is online at:   https://wiki.sdnog.sd/index.php/SdNOG:Events

We are sorry for the short notice, but as we're all aware, the political situation in Sudan was not stable, and we did know exactly if we could run a conference this year or not.  Fortunately things are becoming better, and we wanted to do a meeting this year for the sake of continuity, and as an expression of our positiveness of the new political situation, and our wish to see this community continue to grow

We hope to see you all there :-)

Sara Alamin
SdNOG Team

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