[sdnog] Weekly Routing Table Report

Routing Analysis Role Account cscora at apnic.net
Fri Oct 25 20:03:56 SAST 2019

This is an automated weekly mailing describing the state of the Internet
Routing Table as seen from APNIC's router in Japan.

The posting is sent to APOPS, NANOG, AfNOG, SANOG, PacNOG, SAFNOG

Daily listings are sent to bgp-stats at lists.apnic.net

For historical data, please see http://thyme.rand.apnic.net.

If you have any comments please contact Philip Smith <pfsinoz at gmail.com>.

Routing Table Report   04:00 +10GMT Sat 26 Oct, 2019

Report Website:     http://thyme.rand.apnic.net
Detailed Analysis:  http://thyme.rand.apnic.net/current/

Analysis Summary

BGP routing table entries examined:                              780161
    Prefixes after maximum aggregation (per Origin AS):          296820
    Deaggregation factor:                                          2.63
    Unique aggregates announced (without unneeded subnets):      371941
Total ASes present in the Internet Routing Table:                 65992
    Prefixes per ASN:                                             11.82
Origin-only ASes present in the Internet Routing Table:           56726
Origin ASes announcing only one prefix:                           24261
Transit ASes present in the Internet Routing Table:                9266
Transit-only ASes present in the Internet Routing Table:            271
Average AS path length visible in the Internet Routing Table:       4.4
    Max AS path length visible:                                      51
    Max AS path prepend of ASN ( 22394)                              47
Prefixes from unregistered ASNs in the Routing Table:                33
    Number of instances of unregistered ASNs:                        33
Number of 32-bit ASNs allocated by the RIRs:                      29245
Number of 32-bit ASNs visible in the Routing Table:               23940
Prefixes from 32-bit ASNs in the Routing Table:                  108646
Number of bogon 32-bit ASNs visible in the Routing Table:            13
Special use prefixes present in the Routing Table:                    0
Prefixes being announced from unallocated address space:            325
Number of addresses announced to Internet:                   2842547584
    Equivalent to 169 /8s, 109 /16s and 213 /24s
    Percentage of available address space announced:               76.8
    Percentage of allocated address space announced:               76.8
    Percentage of available address space allocated:              100.0
    Percentage of address space in use by end-sites:               99.4
Total number of prefixes smaller than registry allocations:      260294

APNIC Region Analysis Summary

Prefixes being announced by APNIC Region ASes:                   209040
    Total APNIC prefixes after maximum aggregation:               60806
    APNIC Deaggregation factor:                                    3.44
Prefixes being announced from the APNIC address blocks:          203443
    Unique aggregates announced from the APNIC address blocks:    84820
APNIC Region origin ASes present in the Internet Routing Table:   10123
    APNIC Prefixes per ASN:                                       20.10
APNIC Region origin ASes announcing only one prefix:               2817
APNIC Region transit ASes present in the Internet Routing Table:   1516
Average APNIC Region AS path length visible:                        4.6
    Max APNIC Region AS path length visible:                         25
Number of APNIC region 32-bit ASNs visible in the Routing Table:   5146
Number of APNIC addresses announced to Internet:              771105152
    Equivalent to 45 /8s, 246 /16s and 33 /24s
APNIC AS Blocks        4608-4864, 7467-7722, 9216-10239, 17408-18431
(pre-ERX allocations)  23552-24575, 37888-38911, 45056-46079, 55296-56319,
                       58368-59391, 63488-64098, 64297-64395, 131072-141625
APNIC Address Blocks     1/8,  14/8,  27/8,  36/8,  39/8,  42/8,  43/8,
                        49/8,  58/8,  59/8,  60/8,  61/8, 101/8, 103/8,
                       106/8, 110/8, 111/8, 112/8, 113/8, 114/8, 115/8,
                       116/8, 117/8, 118/8, 119/8, 120/8, 121/8, 122/8,
                       123/8, 124/8, 125/8, 126/8, 133/8, 150/8, 153/8,
                       163/8, 171/8, 175/8, 180/8, 182/8, 183/8, 202/8,
                       203/8, 210/8, 211/8, 218/8, 219/8, 220/8, 221/8,
                       222/8, 223/8,

ARIN Region Analysis Summary

Prefixes being announced by ARIN Region ASes:                    229315
    Total ARIN prefixes after maximum aggregation:               106403
    ARIN Deaggregation factor:                                     2.16
Prefixes being announced from the ARIN address blocks:           227371
    Unique aggregates announced from the ARIN address blocks:    104768
ARIN Region origin ASes present in the Internet Routing Table:    18639
    ARIN Prefixes per ASN:                                        12.20
ARIN Region origin ASes announcing only one prefix:                6905
ARIN Region transit ASes present in the Internet Routing Table:    1919
Average ARIN Region AS path length visible:                         3.9
    Max ARIN Region AS path length visible:                          51
Number of ARIN region 32-bit ASNs visible in the Routing Table:    2973
Number of ARIN addresses announced to Internet:              1068651904
    Equivalent to 63 /8s, 178 /16s and 85 /24s
ARIN AS Blocks         1-1876, 1902-2042, 2044-2046, 2048-2106
(pre-ERX allocations)  2138-2584, 2615-2772, 2823-2829, 2880-3153
                       3354-4607, 4865-5119, 5632-6655, 6912-7466
                       7723-8191, 10240-12287, 13312-15359, 16384-17407
                       18432-20479, 21504-23551, 25600-26591,
                       26624-27647, 29696-30719, 31744-33791
                       35840-36863, 39936-40959, 46080-47103
                       53248-55295, 62464-63487, 64198-64296, 393216-399260
ARIN Address Blocks      3/8,   4/8,   6/8,   7/8,   8/8,   9/8,  11/8,
                        12/8,  13/8,  15/8,  16/8,  17/8,  18/8,  19/8,
                        20/8,  21/8,  22/8,  23/8,  24/8,  26/8,  28/8,
                        29/8,  30/8,  32/8,  33/8,  34/8,  35/8,  38/8,
                        40/8,  44/8,  47/8,  48/8,  50/8,  52/8,  53/8,
                        54/8,  55/8,  56/8,  57/8,  63/8,  64/8,  65/8,
                        66/8,  67/8,  68/8,  69/8,  70/8,  71/8,  72/8,
                        73/8,  74/8,  75/8,  76/8,  96/8,  97/8,  98/8,
                        99/8, 100/8, 104/8, 107/8, 108/8, 128/8, 129/8,
                       130/8, 131/8, 132/8, 134/8, 135/8, 136/8, 137/8,
                       138/8, 139/8, 140/8, 142/8, 143/8, 144/8, 146/8,
                       147/8, 148/8, 149/8, 152/8, 155/8, 156/8, 157/8,
                       158/8, 159/8, 160/8, 161/8, 162/8, 164/8, 165/8,
                       166/8, 167/8, 168/8, 169/8, 170/8, 172/8, 173/8,
                       174/8, 184/8, 192/8, 198/8, 199/8, 204/8, 205/8,
                       206/8, 207/8, 208/8, 209/8, 214/8, 215/8, 216/8,

RIPE Region Analysis Summary

Prefixes being announced by RIPE Region ASes:                    218810
    Total RIPE prefixes after maximum aggregation:               102118
    RIPE Deaggregation factor:                                     2.14
Prefixes being announced from the RIPE address blocks:           215079
    Unique aggregates announced from the RIPE address blocks:    127440
RIPE Region origin ASes present in the Internet Routing Table:    26587
    RIPE Prefixes per ASN:                                         8.09
RIPE Region origin ASes announcing only one prefix:               11707
RIPE Region transit ASes present in the Internet Routing Table:    3752
Average RIPE Region AS path length visible:                         4.5
    Max RIPE Region AS path length visible:                          34
Number of RIPE region 32-bit ASNs visible in the Routing Table:    8633
Number of RIPE addresses announced to Internet:               722633344
    Equivalent to 43 /8s, 18 /16s and 130 /24s
RIPE AS Blocks         1877-1901, 2043, 2047, 2107-2136, 2585-2614
(pre-ERX allocations)  2773-2822, 2830-2879, 3154-3353, 5377-5631
                       6656-6911, 8192-9215, 12288-13311, 15360-16383
                       20480-21503, 24576-25599, 28672-29695
                       30720-31743, 33792-35839, 38912-39935
                       40960-45055, 47104-52223, 56320-58367
                       59392-61439, 61952-62463, 64396-64495
RIPE Address Blocks      2/8,   5/8,  25/8,  31/8,  37/8,  46/8,  51/8,
                        62/8,  77/8,  78/8,  79/8,  80/8,  81/8,  82/8,
                        83/8,  84/8,  85/8,  86/8,  87/8,  88/8,  89/8,
                        90/8,  91/8,  92/8,  93/8,  94/8,  95/8, 109/8,
                       141/8, 145/8, 151/8, 176/8, 178/8, 185/8, 188/8,
                       193/8, 194/8, 195/8, 212/8, 213/8, 217/8,

LACNIC Region Analysis Summary

Prefixes being announced by LACNIC Region ASes:                  101379
    Total LACNIC prefixes after maximum aggregation:              23104
    LACNIC Deaggregation factor:                                   4.39
Prefixes being announced from the LACNIC address blocks:         102542
    Unique aggregates announced from the LACNIC address blocks:   44956
LACNIC Region origin ASes present in the Internet Routing Table:   9014
    LACNIC Prefixes per ASN:                                      11.38
LACNIC Region origin ASes announcing only one prefix:              2356
LACNIC Region transit ASes present in the Internet Routing Table:  1691
Average LACNIC Region AS path length visible:                       5.2
    Max LACNIC Region AS path length visible:                        29
Number of LACNIC region 32-bit ASNs visible in the Routing Table:  6567
Number of LACNIC addresses announced to Internet:             173863936
    Equivalent to 10 /8s, 92 /16s and 244 /24s
LACNIC AS Blocks       26592-26623, 27648-28671, 52224-53247,
                       61440-61951, 64099-64197, 262144-270748 + ERX transfers
LACNIC Address Blocks  177/8, 179/8, 181/8, 186/8, 187/8, 189/8, 190/8,
                       191/8, 200/8, 201/8,

AfriNIC Region Analysis Summary

Prefixes being announced by AfriNIC Region ASes:                  21583
    Total AfriNIC prefixes after maximum aggregation:              4364
    AfriNIC Deaggregation factor:                                  4.95
Prefixes being announced from the AfriNIC address blocks:         31401
    Unique aggregates announced from the AfriNIC address blocks:   9681
AfriNIC Region origin ASes present in the Internet Routing Table:  1340
    AfriNIC Prefixes per ASN:                                     23.43
AfriNIC Region origin ASes announcing only one prefix:              476
AfriNIC Region transit ASes present in the Internet Routing Table:  261
Average AfriNIC Region AS path length visible:                      4.9
    Max AfriNIC Region AS path length visible:                       23
Number of AfriNIC region 32-bit ASNs visible in the Routing Table:  621
Number of AfriNIC addresses announced to Internet:            105975040
    Equivalent to 6 /8s, 81 /16s and 13 /24s
AfriNIC AS Blocks      36864-37887, 327680-328703 & ERX transfers
AfriNIC Address Blocks  41/8,  45/8, 102/8, 105/8, 154/8, 196/8, 197/8,

APNIC Region per AS prefix count summary

   ASN   No of nets  /20 equiv  MaxAgg  Description
  7545         5064        629     600  TPG-INTERNET-AP TPG Telecom Limited, AU
  4538         4688       4192      74  ERX-CERNET-BKB China Education and Rese
  7552         3238       1331      26  VIETEL-AS-AP Viettel Group, VN
 45899         3078       1771     107  VNPT-AS-VN VNPT Corp, VN
  7713         2621        800     483  TELKOMNET-AS-AP PT Telekomunikasi Indon
  9808         2611       9043      63  CMNET-GD Guangdong Mobile Communication
  9829         2541       1495     530  BSNL-NIB National Internet Backbone, IN
  4766         2523      11121     750  KIXS-AS-KR Korea Telecom, KR
  9498         2198        433     209  BBIL-AP BHARTI Airtel Ltd., IN
  4755         2147        442     197  TATACOMM-AS TATA Communications formerl

Complete listing at http://thyme.rand.apnic.net/current/data-ASnet-APNIC

ARIN Region per AS prefix count summary

   ASN   No of nets  /20 equiv  MaxAgg  Description
  7155         4056        280      27  VIASAT-SP-BACKBONE - ViaSat,Inc., US
 11492         3777        308     116  CABLEONE - CABLE ONE, INC., US
 22773         3483       2970     155  ASN-CXA-ALL-CCI-22773-RDC - Cox Communi
  6327         3391       1324      93  SHAW - Shaw Communications Inc., CA
 16509         3216       7155    1544  AMAZON-02 - Amazon.com, Inc., US
 16625         2850       1502    2043  AKAMAI-AS - Akamai Technologies, Inc., 
 30036         2232        353     127  MEDIACOM-ENTERPRISE-BUSINESS - Mediacom
 20115         2133       2769     517  CHARTER-20115 - Charter Communications,
 18566         2073        405     104  MEGAPATH5-US - MegaPath Corporation, US
  5650         2062       3073    1454  FRONTIER-FRTR - Frontier Communications

Complete listing at http://thyme.rand.apnic.net/current/data-ASnet-ARIN

RIPE Region per AS prefix count summary

   ASN   No of nets  /20 equiv  MaxAgg  Description
 12479         5606       1617     135  UNI2-AS, ES
 39891         4034        219      19  ALJAWWALSTC-AS, SA
  8551         2961        379      46  BEZEQ-INTERNATIONAL-AS Bezeqint Interne
 20940         2779        480    1944  AKAMAI-ASN1, US
 31334         2614        484      13  KABELDEUTSCHLAND-AS, DE
 12389         2404       2232     691  ROSTELECOM-AS, RU
  9121         2164       1692      18  TTNET, TR
 34984         2160        350     535  TELLCOM-AS, TR
  9009         1873        205    1029  M247, GB
 13188         1604        100      47  TRIOLAN, UA

Complete listing at http://thyme.rand.apnic.net/current/data-ASnet-RIPE

LACNIC Region per AS prefix count summary

   ASN   No of nets  /20 equiv  MaxAgg  Description
  8151         6298       3353     590  Uninet S.A. de C.V., MX
 10620         3363        534     452  Telmex Colombia S.A., CO
 11830         2698        370      54  Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad
  6503         1710        346     389  Axtel, S.A.B. de C.V., MX
  7303         1477       1024     276  Telecom Argentina S.A., AR
 28573         1183       2232     194  CLARO S.A., BR
 13999         1098        491     243  Mega Cable, S.A. de C.V., MX
  6147         1089        380      37  Telefonica del Peru S.A.A., PE
  3816         1074        558     132  COLOMBIA TELECOMUNICACIONES S.A. ESP, C
 11172          933        110      59  Alestra, S. de R.L. de C.V., MX

Complete listing at http://thyme.rand.apnic.net/current/data-ASnet-LACNIC

AfriNIC Region per AS prefix count summary

   ASN   No of nets  /20 equiv  MaxAgg  Description
 24863         1170        393      23  LINKdotNET-AS, EG
 36992         1045       1535      73  ETISALAT-MISR, EG
 24835          972        618      25  RAYA-AS, EG
 36903          868        438      95  MT-MPLS, MA
  8452          670       1857      19  TE-AS TE-AS, EG
  6713          626       1863      34  IAM-AS, MA
 29571          530         68      11  ORANGE-COTE-IVOIRE, CI
 15399          410         45      10  WANANCHI-, KE
 37342          379         32       1  MOVITEL, MZ
 23889          366        231      15  MauritiusTelecom, MU

Complete listing at http://thyme.rand.apnic.net/current/data-ASnet-AFRINIC

Global Per AS prefix count summary

   ASN   No of nets  /20 equiv  MaxAgg  Description
  8151         6298       3353     590  Uninet S.A. de C.V., MX
 12479         5606       1617     135  UNI2-AS, ES
  7545         5064        629     600  TPG-INTERNET-AP TPG Telecom Limited, AU
  4538         4688       4192      74  ERX-CERNET-BKB China Education and Rese
  7155         4056        280      27  VIASAT-SP-BACKBONE - ViaSat,Inc., US
 39891         4034        219      19  ALJAWWALSTC-AS, SA
 11492         3777        308     116  CABLEONE - CABLE ONE, INC., US
 22773         3483       2970     155  ASN-CXA-ALL-CCI-22773-RDC - Cox Communi
  6327         3391       1324      93  SHAW - Shaw Communications Inc., CA
 10620         3363        534     452  Telmex Colombia S.A., CO

Complete listing at http://thyme.rand.apnic.net/current/data-ASnet

Global Per AS Maximum Aggr summary

  ASN   No of nets  Net Savings  Description
 12479       5606         5471   UNI2-AS, ES
  4538       4688         4614   ERX-CERNET-BKB China Education and Research Net
  7545       5064         4464   TPG-INTERNET-AP TPG Telecom Limited, AU
  7155       4056         4029   VIASAT-SP-BACKBONE - ViaSat,Inc., US
 39891       4034         4015   ALJAWWALSTC-AS, SA
 11492       3777         3661   CABLEONE - CABLE ONE, INC., US
 22773       3483         3328   ASN-CXA-ALL-CCI-22773-RDC - Cox Communications 
  6327       3391         3298   SHAW - Shaw Communications Inc., CA
  7552       3238         3212   VIETEL-AS-AP Viettel Group, VN
 45899       3078         2971   VNPT-AS-VN VNPT Corp, VN

Complete listing at http://thyme.rand.apnic.net/current/data-CIDRnet

List of Unregistered Origin ASNs (Global)

Bad AS    Designation  Network              Transit AS  Description
 230105   UNALLOCATED       23015       CMC180-TOR-AS - Cambridge Merc
  64501   DOCUMENT      267817       UNKNOWN
 260984   UNALLOCATED      16735       ALGAR TELECOM S/A, BR
 269467   UNALLOCATED      53062       G G NET - Telecomunicações LTD
 266842   UNALLOCATED     265680       HNTELCO S.A, HN
  65550   DOCUMENT         15924       BORUSANTELEKOM-AS, TR
  65550   DOCUMENT         15924       BORUSANTELEKOM-AS, TR

Complete listing at http://thyme.rand.apnic.net/current/data-badAS

Advertised Unallocated Addresses

Network            Origin AS  Description      15206    6X7 - 6x7 Networks LLC, ZZ        56096    UNKNOWN      55827    UNKNOWN      55827    UNKNOWN      55827    UNKNOWN       15964    CAMNET-AS, CM       15964    CAMNET-AS, CM       15964    CAMNET-AS, CM       15964    CAMNET-AS, CM       15964    CAMNET-AS, CM

Complete listing at http://thyme.rand.apnic.net/current/data-add-IANA

Number of prefixes announced per prefix length (Global)

 /1:0        /2:0        /3:0        /4:0        /5:0        /6:0       
 /7:0        /8:10       /9:11      /10:38      /11:100     /12:291     
/13:573     /14:1150    /15:1927    /16:13312   /17:8090    /18:13776   
/19:25728   /20:40118   /21:47473   /22:97474   /23:78981   /24:449561  
/25:1548    /26:0       /27:0       /28:0       /29:0       /30:0       
/31:0       /32:0       

Advertised prefixes smaller than registry allocations

   ASN   No of nets  Total ann.  Description
 12479     4565          5606    UNI2-AS, ES
  6327     3178          3391    SHAW - Shaw Communications Inc., CA
  7155     3148          4056    VIASAT-SP-BACKBONE - ViaSat,Inc., US
 39891     2946          4034    ALJAWWALSTC-AS, SA
 11492     2922          3777    CABLEONE - CABLE ONE, INC., US
 22773     2708          3483    ASN-CXA-ALL-CCI-22773-RDC - Cox Communications 
 31334     2470          2614    KABELDEUTSCHLAND-AS, DE
  8551     2420          2961    BEZEQ-INTERNATIONAL-AS Bezeqint Internet Backbo
 11830     2045          2698    Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad y Telec
  8151     2014          6298    Uninet S.A. de C.V., MX

Complete listing at http://thyme.rand.apnic.net/current/data-sXXas-nos

Number of /24s announced per /8 block (Global)

   1:1541      2:1124      3:6         4:21        5:3113      6:49     
   7:1         8:1371      9:1        12:1793     13:425      14:2142   
  15:52       16:7        17:272      18:78       20:56       23:2985   
  24:2601     25:4        27:2487     31:2760     32:105      35:36     
  36:921      37:3171     38:1786     39:305      40:126      41:3377   
  42:638      43:2096     44:184      45:11782    46:3319     47:269    
  49:1434     50:1129     51:348      52:1067     54:261      55:728    
  56:6        57:48       58:2035     59:1102     60:631      61:2213   
  62:2123     63:1883     64:4998     65:2264     66:4855     67:2734   
  68:1215     69:3619     70:1389     71:672      72:2713     74:2686   
  75:1291     76:594      77:2562     78:2001     79:2182     80:1823   
  81:1525     82:1187     83:959      84:1195     85:2417     86:568    
  87:1602     88:1122     89:2596     90:244      91:6687     92:1440   
  93:2464     94:2563     95:3680     96:954      97:338      98:955    
  99:830     100:82      101:1090    102:686     103:22462   104:3657   
 105:335     106:831     107:1828    108:683     109:3614    110:1802   
 111:2035    112:1566    113:1381    114:1468    115:1814    116:1807   
 117:1969    118:2176    119:1666    120:1086    121:1057    122:2303   
 123:1858    124:1534    125:2014    128:1402    129:882     130:543    
 131:1811    132:765     133:241     134:1105    135:261     136:586    
 137:825     138:2122    139:965     140:659     141:892     142:778    
 143:1094    144:907     145:284     146:1435    147:927     148:1871   
 149:1029    150:828     151:1287    152:1430    153:364     154:4403   
 155:892     156:2796    157:1060    158:704     159:1950    160:1640   
 161:1035    162:3019    163:865     164:1300    165:1157    166:526    
 167:1446    168:3594    169:487     170:4207    171:707     172:1767   
 173:2304    174:1035    175:1004    176:2546    177:4137    178:2783   
 179:1443    180:2171    181:2392    182:2820    183:1121    184:2288   
 185:15714   186:3805    187:2579    188:3417    189:2073    190:8292   
 191:1498    192:10118   193:6863    194:5579    195:4175    196:3185   
 197:1799    198:6063    199:5960    200:7142    201:5155    202:10446  
 203:10206   204:4586    205:3087    206:3233    207:3266    208:3967   
 209:4296    210:3952    211:2037    212:3317    213:2957    214:1157   
 215:54      216:5874    217:2281    218:888     219:604     220:1922   
 221:971     222:1017    223:1394   

End of report

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