[sdnog] SdNOG6 Meeting - Mark your Calendar

محمود عبد العزيز m1a9h9m3oud.com at gmail.com
Sun Oct 13 13:56:06 SAST 2019

How do we register in event

‫في الأحد، 13 أكتوبر 2019 في 10:29 ص تمت كتابة ما يلي بواسطة ‪Yousra
Abdalla‬‏ <‪yousra.a.nasr at gmail.com‬‏>:‬

> Greetings ,,
> I'm Happy to see the announcement (like everyone here!) Although I didn't
> expect the event to be by this near date 😬
> I see you already apologized for the short notice ...ok ...but
> Do you (organsing team) think that two weeks are enough to get Good agenda?
> Sorry this is NOT to frustrate you ,but I remember from previous events
> you said you have a problem to get people (speally from ISPs) submit
> papers. So ,I guess more time  needed to reach out to them.. and this is
> part of "growing the community"...right?
> All the best .
> On Tue, Oct 8, 2019, 14:02 Sara Alamin <sara.alamin at protonmail.com> wrote:
>> Salam SdNOG community,
>> We are pleased to announce that the Sixth SdNOG Meeting (SdNOG-6) will
>> takes places in Khartoum, at TPRA Tower from 27 to 31 October 2019.
>> The program agenda and call for papers will follow.
>> More information about SdNOG meetings is online at:
>> https://wiki.sdnog.sd/index.php/SdNOG:Events
>> We are sorry for the short notice, but as we're all aware, the political
>> situation in Sudan was not stable, and we did know exactly if we could run
>> a conference this year or not.  Fortunately things are becoming better, and
>> we wanted to do a meeting this year for the sake of continuity, and as an
>> expression of our positiveness of the new political situation, and our wish
>> to see this community continue to grow
>> We hope to see you all there :-)
>> Regards,
>> Sara Alamin
>> SdNOG Team
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