[sdnog] SdNOG6 Meeting - Mark your Calendar

Yousra Abdalla yousra.a.nasr at gmail.com
Mon Oct 14 12:31:18 SAST 2019

On Mon, Oct 14, 2019, 12:08 Nishal Goburdhan <nishal at controlfreak.co.za>

> On 13 Oct 2019, at 8:56, Yousra Abdalla wrote:
> > Greetings ,,
> >
> > I'm Happy to see the announcement (like everyone here!) Although I
> > didn't
> > expect the event to be by this near date 😬
> > I see you already apologized for the short notice ...ok ...but
> >
> > Do you (organsing team) think that two weeks are enough to get Good
> > agenda?
> do you?
No ! Because the agenda was filled by experts from international community
(and that what attracted most of conference attendees !)
This time I think no one from outside will be able to attend (unless they
already know the events dates
So I think more efforts needs to be done with local community  ...and that
was my point.

> better yet - if you’re concerned, the best way to make sure that you
> have done your part, to make the meeting a success, is to volunteer to
> assist.

I didn't say I won't assist ..

> i know from previous years, that the *VOLUNTEER* meeting team
> is always receptive to new people wanting to help.

Yes they are ...said that the call for "volunteers will open and they'll
contact very one who filled the form" and nothing happened !

I'm not here to fight /attack the team ...
Just I've comments and said it .

> —n.
> ps.  don’t apologise for your questions.  they are the right sort of
> questions to be asking.  but being a sideline critic, is less important
> than investing energy to help.  :)
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