[sdnog] SdNOG6 Meeting - Mark your Calendar

Nishal Goburdhan nishal at controlfreak.co.za
Mon Oct 14 11:08:37 SAST 2019

On 13 Oct 2019, at 8:56, Yousra Abdalla wrote:

> Greetings ,,
> I'm Happy to see the announcement (like everyone here!) Although I 
> didn't
> expect the event to be by this near date 😬
> I see you already apologized for the short notice ...ok ...but
> Do you (organsing team) think that two weeks are enough to get Good 
> agenda?

do you?

better yet - if you’re concerned, the best way to make sure that you 
have done your part, to make the meeting a success, is to volunteer to 
assist.  i know from previous years, that the *VOLUNTEER* meeting team 
is always receptive to new people wanting to help.


ps.  don’t apologise for your questions.  they are the right sort of 
questions to be asking.  but being a sideline critic, is less important 
than investing energy to help.  :)

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