[sdnog] Effects of encryption techniques on data-network management

Sami Salih sami.salih at outlook.com
Thu Oct 17 19:39:59 SAST 2019

Thx for reply,
This is not in Sudan, and it's not coming from Regulatory, it's a discussion in ISPA to decide to implement such encryption techniques in their hosting premises while the gov necessitates monitoring every things. I'm also for not preventing technologies but I need robust logic with sound justification to convince this association.

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From: sdnog <sdnog-bounces at sdnog.sd> on behalf of Nishal Goburdhan <nishal at controlfreak.co.za>
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2019 8:01:26 PM
To: sdnog at sdnog.sd <sdnog at sdnog.sd>
Subject: Re: [sdnog] Effects of encryption techniques on data-network management

On 17 Oct 2019, at 14:11, Sami Salih wrote:

> I need your input to see how we can allow (by regulations) techniques
> such as (TLS1.3, ESNI, DoH, QUIC, etc.).

i don’t understand;  do you have regulations (in sudan) to explicitly
permit/deny the use of TLS1.0 ?  or ssh2?  or ECDSA?   (is this why so
many sudanese websites don’t have an https option?)   if not, then,
why are the protocols you mention special?

this might be a case of me not understanding correctly;  you don’t
need regulation to use (for example) TLS1.3.  right now, someone willing
to spend the time and effort to compile nginx/apache/blah, with the
right flags, can set this up today  (hrm:  note for the sdnog admin
team, to do this on your www/wiki..).


ps.  i really don’t like DoH;  but i don’t think that calling for
its regulation is the right approach either.
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