[sdnog] Effects of encryption techniques on data-network management

Ahmad Yassin amyassin77 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 17 19:32:02 SAST 2019

On Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 7:03 PM Philip Paeps <philip at trouble.is> wrote:

> On 2019-10-17 01:39:27 (-0700), Sami Salih wrote:
> > Hence, from the law-enforcement perspective, an appropriate measures
> > should be taken before allowing customers to utilize encryption
> > technique that are not yet have someway to be monitored, traced, or
> > can register a meaningful logs for its activities.
> >
> > I need your input to see how we can allow (by regulations) techniques
> > such as (TLS1.3, ESNI, DoH, QUIC, etc.).
> You can't.  Encryption is just mathematics.  You can't uninvent it.  And
> you can't stop people from using it.
What law enforcement agencies argue all over the world is that they need
the ability to do something and have some eyes in the digital world to stop
bad actors -with the trust they won't harm good law-abiding citizens ;) Is
it the wise decision to give up on all encrypted communication and just try
to catch bad actors in the "real world" when they attempt to do the bad
things they've been planning in the dark where they "lawful agencies" have
no sight?

> Regulation will not prevent bad actors from using encryption, just as
> regulation does not prevent bad actors from stealing (or any other
> crimes).  What regulating encryption will do, is reduce the security and
> privacy of everyone else.

So how -if not by regulations- can bad actors be stopped? Isn't the price
of stopping the bad actors high enough to sacrifice some freedom?

Just some thoughts...

On Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 7:04 PM Nishal Goburdhan <nishal at controlfreak.co.za>

> i don’t understand;  do you have regulations (in sudan) to explicitly
> permit/deny the use of TLS1.0 ?  or ssh2?  or ECDSA?   (is this why so
> many sudanese websites don’t have an https option?)   if not, then,
> why are the protocols you mention special?
I don't think we have any regulations for specific ciphers/protocols (or at
all) -and I hope somebody could share some more info about that..


*Best regards...*
*Ahmad Yassin*
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