[sdnog] the "New IP"

Scott Weeks surfer at mauigateway.com
Wed Aug 5 10:32:52 SAST 2020

--- m at mail.sd wrote:

I didn't expect a new IP address architecture will be proposed soon
after the IPv6. but Huawei did, claimed that, it will bring radical
change to the way the Internet work. based on financial times journal
Oxford Information Labs warns "The new proposed IP will lead to more
centralized, top-down control of the Internet".



do you think this will split the Internet, and affect the openness of
the Internet?

I found that really interesting.  It has caused me to stay up past my 
bedtime. :)  I looked a bit and found this:


It's short on details, but one part stands out to me:

"...improved content delivery through replication in special deployed 
CDN systems..."

To me this says centralized control, which is not scalable.  I don't 
see anyone agreeing to do this, except as an experiment, unless forced.

Additionally, I would have to agree with many of the conclusions in the 
article you referenced.


This is one I have been following for some time.  It is really 
interesting in that security from snooping is in the fundamental 


Skip to the "Overview" section if you don't want a history of why
the new architecture is needed.  Also, John Day, a principle of the 
architecture is an original:



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