[sdnog] the "New IP"

m m at mail.sd
Thu Aug 6 07:05:31 SAST 2020

thank you :) RINA history is very interesting.

On 8/5/20 4:32 PM, Scott Weeks wrote:
> --- m at mail.sd wrote:
> I didn't expect a new IP address architecture will be proposed soon
> after the IPv6. but Huawei did, claimed that, it will bring radical
> change to the way the Internet work. based on financial times journal
> (https://www.ft.com/content/c78be2cf-a1a1-40b1-8ab7-904d7095e0f2).
> Oxford Information Labs warns "The new proposed IP will lead to more
> centralized, top-down control of the Internet".
> References
> https://labs.ripe.net/Members/marco_hogewoning/do-we-need-a-new-ip
> do you think this will split the Internet, and affect the openness of
> the Internet?
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> I found that really interesting.  It has caused me to stay up past my 
> bedtime. :)  I looked a bit and found this:
> https://www.huawei.com/en/industry-insights/innovation/new-ip#text14
> It's short on details, but one part stands out to me:
> "...improved content delivery through replication in special deployed 
> CDN systems..."
> To me this says centralized control, which is not scalable.  I don't 
> see anyone agreeing to do this, except as an experiment, unless forced.
> Additionally, I would have to agree with many of the conclusions in the 
> article you referenced.
> ---------------
> This is one I have been following for some time.  It is really 
> interesting in that security from snooping is in the fundamental 
> design.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recursive_Internetwork_Architecture
> Skip to the "Overview" section if you don't want a history of why
> the new architecture is needed.  Also, John Day, a principle of the 
> architecture is an original:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Day_(computer_scientist)
> scott
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