[sdnog] (no subject)

Philip Paeps philip at trouble.is
Mon Feb 17 02:47:42 SAST 2020

On 2020-02-17 05:25:04 (+1100), Abdulrahman Fagiry wrote:

> Hello Mr. Altayeb,
> Yeah it was long, fun and very informative workshop, Thanks a lot Ms.
> Manhal!
> Actually, its not an easy way, its just an automated way to deploy an 
> email
> server! so you must be familiar with the basic configuration of 
> postfix,
> dovecot...
> - Iredmail, is a great solution for deploying an *OPEN SOURCE*, *FULLY
> FLEDGED*, *FULL-FEATURED* mail server in several minutes, for free. 
> it's
> also better for low-hardware specifications.
> - zimbra is also a good one, isn't it Ms. Mnhal? 😉

While all of those integrated solutions will "work", I would still 
strongly recommend putting in the work to learn how to configure things 
manually.  It will feel like there are a lot of moving parts.  When you 
understand how they fit together though, it will be easier to make small 
and useful tweaks to your setup.

I'm glad to hear the workshop went well!  Thanks for organising this, 
SdNOG.  And thank you for teaching, Manhal!


Philip Paeps
Senior Reality Engineer
Alternative Enterprises

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