[sdnog] How to work from home

Samir Abdullatif samir.s.omer at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 25 05:47:37 SAST 2020

Ya Manhal

In terms of tools I think the the other SdNGOgers covered most of what you will need, I would maybe add to them Drawpile and Etherpad. However, if you’re asking how to convince you boss for implementing working from home, 
you can start in phases by starting with one or two employee working from home to assess what are the challenges let them share a daily report/feedback with all the tasks completed, tickets closed, or issues faced and them your boss can assess, as long as the tasks are met he should be ok with it. Then gradually increase the number of people working from home and decrease the number of people working on-prem

Hope that helps


> On 24 Mar 2020, at 12:23 AM, manhal_muhamed at hotmail.com wrote:
> Hi all 
> Hope you are all safe wherever you are,
> Regards to the current situation around the world , and as we all adviced/forced to start working from home which is not common here in our community , and I know some bosses are not convinced unless they saw you in your desk :D
> my question is , for simple offices ,with no great infrastructure , just an internet connection to their edge ,how can they work from home ? Is there any free tools /ways  they can use,  what are the options, with taking along the security concerns
> what is your advice to achieve that in a proper way , and for those who managed to work from home , how did you do that ? 
> Please share your experience ^_^
> And how we as "sdnog community" can help in that "for the old fashioned bosses :D"
> Cheers & be safe 
> -- Manhal Mohammed
> Sent from my Huawei Mobile
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