[sdnog] Should we keep using mailing lists

Samir Abdullatif samir.s.omer at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 26 07:04:06 SAST 2020

there is always a trade off, I agree we should not always use a technology just for the sake of technology or the trend. But also we should not be stuck on a technology in our comfort zone if there is another technology that can makes it easier even if it’s a small incremental improvement.

One reason why I’m making such suggestion is that I’ve seen a disproportionate engagement level on the mailing list vs the group Facebook page
I know both serves different purpose.  in no way I’m suggesting to move to Facebook, but it got me thinking maybe a more "social-esque" platform will attract more people to join and  engage, maybe as Tareq said the mailing list feels formal to people. 

We have 500 member on the list and around 9000 Facebook follower, yet most of the communication on the list are either from you “the Ajaneb :)” or the sdnog team Sara, Manhal, me with some participation from the community here and there. 

That’s why I wanted to hear from the people here on what do they think. 


> On 26 Mar 2020, at 7:37 AM, Philip Paeps <philip at trouble.is> wrote:
> On 2020-03-25 18:01:28 (+0800), Samir Abdullatif wrote:
>> I want to ask the community here should we consider moving from the mailing list to more "friendly" way of communications such discord, slack, discourse or any other forum tools.
> What is unfriendly about email?
> I don't have any of the other communications channels you mention and I feel no burning desire to go and install any of them.
> Email is the lowest common denominator on the internet.  It doesn't rely on walled gardens and "just works".  While many people subscribe to the new-fangled messaging platforms you list, not everyone does.  Everyone does have an email address.
> Philip
> -- 
> Philip Paeps
> Senior Reality Engineer
> Alternative Enterprises
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