[sdnog] Automation with Ansible - online Workshop - from 11 April 2020 to 21 April 2020

Manhal Mohammed manhal_muhamed at hotmail.com
Sat Mar 28 14:36:04 SAST 2020

Helloo Sdnoggers ..

automation is the new wave of Technology now a days , so its time to learn how to do your normal tasks in a different "cool" way ^_^

We are pleased to announce an online Workshop titled "Automation with Ansible" which will be from 11 April 2020 to 21 April 2020 at YOUR HOME 😉 .

registration is now open at :


for more information about this workshop :


#highlights<https://web.facebook.com/hashtag/highlights?__cft__%5b0%5d=AZUZZaBusUpjEVFpl8jlw286scV9LazbBdR8luf-w6OX5_1kxGAQSyZrECpFSQvaT8cpsDy7mPnAxvBtezU_lMzeEagnrzf4uQUTlF4TZywEHfcongJGnIMMUCjVE1VwLTyfvlccAs2tawMW1ssPjtCk4BIUgxlL3UYVUq54O1FEqg&__tn__=*NK-R> :

 - this is a 10-days , hands-on online Workshop .

 - duration will be from 11 April 2020 to 21 April 2020

 - Each trainee will be assigned a virtual server and will be required to build working services using Ansible tool

 - this online workshop resources are supported by the #Internet_Society<https://web.facebook.com/hashtag/internet_society?__cft__%5b0%5d=AZUZZaBusUpjEVFpl8jlw286scV9LazbBdR8luf-w6OX5_1kxGAQSyZrECpFSQvaT8cpsDy7mPnAxvBtezU_lMzeEagnrzf4uQUTlF4TZywEHfcongJGnIMMUCjVE1VwLTyfvlccAs2tawMW1ssPjtCk4BIUgxlL3UYVUq54O1FEqg&__tn__=*NK-R>.

 - The Online Workshop is lab intensive (70%) with trainees provided with theory materials that they can read

stay home

be safe

Manhal Mohammed

Sdnog Team

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